Spinelli Angus Ranch is a family-owned ranch dedicated to knowing our customers’ needs by producing healthy, high-quality, registered black angus cattle. Our high standards and commitment to cleanliness, animal health, and environmental sustainability allow for a relaxed environment for our cattle to become high-caliber animals.

The Family

Two generations of Spinellis, cultivating the highest quality of livestock.


This past May we broke ground on the new birthing barn. It will include four stalls to keep a close eye on the mamas when it gets closer to delivery. We are also installing a squeeze shoot to track the herd’s growth and doctor them easier. Excited for the expansion of the operation and what is to come for SAR.


At Spinelli Angus Ranch we strive to produce the best high-quality registered black angus cattle in the United States. Our passion is to provide outstanding animals that will stand out in your herd. We love what we do and what we stand for.


After seven years in the angus business, SAR has been devoted to continued learning to help produce superior animals. By relying on the EPD’s of these animals and knowing what they need for success is where we stand above the competition.


For sale